Dear Family and Friends,
If you can't tell from the title... THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING! The title is something Polish people say when something is just FANTASTIC! (Soo-pear fine-ih ets-trah bahm-boh-vih ah-ploos) It literally means "Super Awesome Great A+!" ha ha! I love it. :)
So, sad news first! Our Bulgarians and Croatians all left this week for the field! They are all in their countries by now!! How crazy is that? It was a hard goodbye, they were like our family! But I can't wait to see all they accomplish, and I know they will touch hearts with their amazing testimonies! I can't even rap my head around the fact that in 18 days I will be on my way to Poland!! OH MY WORD! I am so excited!
Well, this week Siostra D and I received a calling to be the music coordinators! Whaaaat? :) I'm really excited! It's a fun calling, because we basically just find someone to do a musical number each Sunday in Sacrament meeting, teach people how to lead, and pick the hymns/choristers for Sacrament as well! It's been a lot of fun so far. :)
Also, WE HAVE A NEW COMPANION!!!! We officially adopted cute Siostra Dekker into our companionship this week! :) We are seriously so excited to have her. She is the cutest thing ever, and is always so happy! We love her so much!
On December 6th, we celebrated SinterKlaas, which is basically the Dutch version of Santa Claus! Siostra D's cute mom served her mission in the Netherlands, and they have celebrated Sinterklaas for as long as Siostra D can remember, so this year (even though she is away from her family) was no exception! We all left our shoes outside our door, and waited for Sinterklaas to leave us little chocolate coins in them over night! :) Siostra D told us the whole story of Sinterklaas before we went to bed, and it was so much fun!! I loved it! And guess what? HE CAME! It was a blast :) I'll send pictures!
Oh! Also, yesterday I received a bunch of cute Christmas cards from the women in my relief society, and it completely made my day! Thank you all sooo much!! I seriously have the best ward family in the world. :)
Okay, this week's tender mercy!!!! It was Monday, and our Bulgarian Elder's were leaving that night! So, Elder Brown and Elder Sperry wanted Siostra D and I to wear our twinning outfits as a "going away present" for them so we could all take a twinning picture! I don't even know, Elder's are so weird! ha ha! But it turned out to be a total blessing because GUESS WHAT! We were eating lunch, and the general manager said, "Sisters!" and called Siostra D and I over to him. We thought we were in trouble for something! So we go over and he pulls out his phone from his pocket, puts it up to his ear and says, "Yeah, I found 'em. They're not hard to miss!" We were so scared! And then he just laughed and told us he liked our matching outfits! :) He asked us where we were going, and talked to us for a little bit, then he said, "You know what? I want you to do something for me! Go get the other Polish sisters!" So we did, then he had us write our Mom's phone numbers on a napkin, and then he took us out in the hall, took a picture of us, and texted it to our mom's! It was seriously so great!! BUT it gets better. We came back for dinner, and guess what it was? CHICK-FIL-A!!! Holy cow. Best day ever, right? NOPE, it still gets better. The general manager came and found us again, then told all of us to come with him, so we did, and he ended up taking us back into the kitchen! We were so confused! But, he took us back into the freezers and gave all of us CHICK-FIL-A PEPPERMINT SHAKES!! Are you serious? Best day!! Then we got to read the replies our mom's sent to him, and it was just the best. :)
Our investigators are doing so wonderful! Karina is going to be baptized this month!! Can you believe it?! I am just so excited. :) She has a faith that I admire, and her love for the Lord is so obvious in all she says and does. Sławek is doing wonderful too! We were finally able to get him to pray, and the moment he did, the spirit filled the room. The gospel is SO true. I know it with everything I am. I find so much joy in learning and teaching this gospel every day! It makes me so happy, and I can't imagine anything I would rather be doing! We also have our other two investigators, Allison and Bill, that we taught this week as well! Allison is so anxious to learn more about the gospel each time we teach her, and it is amazing to see her progression in just 2 weeks! Bill is a little more resistant, but I know he felt the spirit in our last lesson so strongly, because he told us he would pray without us even asking! We also are now teaching a less-active member! His name is Leszek, and he is so wonderful!! We have only had one lesson with him, but man, the spirit was so strong! He actually cried! My goodness... The spirit was amazing! Often times I don't have the words to describe what happens to our investigators in our lessons, but it is incredible. The spirit touches their hearts in a way that we never could, and it is wonderful to see. I noticed I say "wonderful" a lot in my emails... But, you know what... THIS GOSPEL IS WONDERFUL!!!! :) We love our investigators so much!!
Okay, two more things real quick! So... Yesterday we were able to Skype with the cutest lady FROM POLAND! She lives IN POLAND, and is a member! But we were able to Skype her, give her a little lesson on Faith, and just talk to her! It was such an amazing experience!! It also made me realize how much I really really need to rely on the Lord to help me with this language! I'm super stubborn sometimes, and like to think that I can do things on my own, but I can't. This isn't my work, this is the Lord's! I don't teach people, the spirit does! And I really needed to be reminded of that this week! I was really struggling with Polish yesterday, and kept getting down on myself for not being as good as I want to be. But then I had a thought... "Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down." Have you all seen that amazing mormon message video called "The Will Of God"? If you haven't, I seriously recommend watching it! Because in that moment that I was so down, wondering if I would ever be able to do this, I thought of that phrase, the video played in my mind, and I couldn't help but be so thankful to the Lord for loving me enough to cut me down. I KNOW with all my heart that He is there. That He is always watching out for us, and that He would NEVER give us anything we couldn't handle and He isn't willing to do with us. Phillippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me." Yes, the language is extremely difficult sometimes, but I take a step back, and I think... I have only been learning Polish for 6 weeks, and I just had a 30 minute conversation with a native Pole, and not only was I able to understand her, but I was able to reply to her as well! And then I think, wow, the Lord really is helping me. There is NO way I couldn't done that by myself. :) I am SO grateful for the opportunity I had to Skype Ola!! (the lady in Poland!) She is so sweet!! :) She asked us how long until we will be in Poland and we said 19 more days and she screamed and just kept telling us how excited she was to meet us and for us to get there.... IT WAS AMAZING! :) I can't WAIT to get to Poland. :) I'm so blessed!
Okay last thing real quick! So, Siostra D and I led our District Meeting on Sunday, and since it was the first Sunday of December, we decided to focus on Jesus Christ! We watched the new "A Savior Is Born" video (In Polish!) and then read the story of the birth of Christ in the Bible (Luke)! I don't know if you all have seen the papers you can print off that say, "He was born so I...", but they are so great! You can print them off, fill them out, and post them on social media, and it really invites the true spirit of Christmas. :) Anyway, we did that activity, and made a list of reasons the Savior was born. It was SUCH a wonderful activity, and really made me think about our Savior, Jesus Christ. Some of the ideas we came up with were:
"The Savior was born so I..."
-can have a second chance when I make mistakes
-can be with my family forever
-can be reborn
-can overcome death
-can receive a fullness of joy
-can have unlimited potential
-can be a missionary
I love this time of year, being able to focus completely on the Savior, and all that he has done for us. I just want to bear my testimony of Jesus Christ. I know He is my Savior, your Savior, and our Savior. He is the Son of God, and He lives. I know He was born, so we can live. I know that He suffered, bled, and died for us. He knows each one of us, personally. He has felt every joy, every sadness, every trial, and every hardship we will ever feel, because of His Atonement. I can't imagine how I must have felt, looking down on Him from Heaven as He suffered for my sins. I imagine I must have had tears streaming down my face, as I whispered "I'm sorry" for the sins I hadn't yet committed, but knew I would... And I know the Savior saw my face as He suffered for what I would do, and as if to comfort me he probably said, "I'm doing this because I love you." I know that Jesus Christ is my brother, and He loves me. He loves YOU. I can't wait for the day when I am able to hug Him, and thank Him for all He has done for me. It's because of Him, that I don't have to be perfect. But it's also through Him, that I can be. I love him so much.
Keep Him in your mind this Christmas season. "Perhaps," thought the Grinch, "Christmas doesn't come from a store. Perhaps Christmas means a little bit more." :)
I love you all so much, and can't thank you enough for all the love and support I feel from you each week! Being a missionary is the most wonderful thing in the world!! :) This gospel is true!
Have an amazing week!!
Kocham was bardzo!!
Do Zobacenia!
Siostra Kamp

Getting ready for Sinterklaas!!!! |
He came!!! |
Love them!!!!! And finally, a selfie from the weirdo's :) They keep us laughing!!
Some of Siostra D and I's faves that left this week! SSestra Rollins, Elder Brown, Elder Sperry, and Sestra Elmore! |
YEY! Our companionship is complete! We love Siostra Dekker!
One last group picture before the Croations and Bulgarians left! |
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