*Lexi didn't have time to send an email to everyone today, but she sends her love to you! She did have time to send a few pictures of her Polish Christmas! Merry Christmas!!!
Horse carriages?! It really is Christmas!!
The Elder's at the Manekin restaurant for our Culture Night!
I love these goofs! :)
My lovely friend, Grażyna. Don't know what I would ever do without her!!!
Sister Van and Grażyna! I love these two more than I can even say!
Christmas Eve Brunch... It's tradition! :)
Elder Dickson: "Who needs the rest of your district when you have all these presents?" ;)
"Wesołych Świat życzę!!!
Christmas PJ's from Mama Kamp!!! :)
Christmas Thermoses and Candycane Hot Cocoa... Our Christmas eve rocked. :)
I got so spoiled... Holy cow... I'm the luckiest girl in the world. But the best present of all - being able to talk to my family <3
The first time I've seen an actual marshmallow in... forever!!!
All us missionaries with our member Moussa!
Gosia and Draman! Man, I'm going to miss them so much!
Crazy Elder's having too much fun on Christmas!
Fried Cheese and raspberry sauce? We difinitely had to try that!
The Christmas Market that I have a slight obsession with. :)
A little taste of the Christmas magic on our main street. :)
*Note from Mama Kamp*
On Christmas we were to Skype with Lexi at 7:30am! 7:30am came and went...I tried to act really patient...it could be the missionary before her went over a little bit and that is why we hadn't heard from her...but finally at 7:52 I decided to pull up my email to see if something was up. I saw an email from her and it said that the Skype wasn't working! So she sent me a link to another app that we could try! So I quickly downloaded the app on my phone and we finally connected! We soaked in every minute we had left with our Lexi! We love her so much! We miss her so much! She told us about her transfer coming on Tuesday, back to Bydgoszcz, Poland. She was sad to leave her beloved Łódź and Siostra Van, but she was excited to see her old friends from Bydgoszcz! She seemed happy, and a little sad too. She had just found out about the transfer, and she seemed a little homesick this Christmas Day, but that Missionary spirit was still strong! She had the light of Christ in her eyes and her heart is as big and wonderful as ever! I can't wait to hug her again!... oh, she also have us her come home date: May 2nd!!! I can't wait! I know she will love and serve the people of Poland with all her soul these last four months!
We love you, Siostra Kamp! Merry Christmas! xoxo
* Today, Tuesday, December 27th I received this picture from my friend Kelley in Poland! She just picked up Lexi from the train station for her new transfer in Bydgoszcz, Poland with Siostra Larsen! Lexi said if she was to transfer anywhere from Lodz, she would want to go back to Bydgoszcz! We met Kelley and her sweet family, through Facebook, when Lexi was in Bydgoszcz earlier this year! They are the sweetest family, and I couldn't be happier for her! Thank you for this special picture, Kelley! ((hugs))