Monday, January 18, 2016

"And with Him... Everything else."

Dear friends and family,

I always love emailing days because I get to tell you all about how AMAZING Poland is, and how much I LOVE this gospel!! It's the best! :)

This week we did so much! I'll just mention a few of the highlights :)
So, first, we met with Beata, and little Yazminka again this week! Along with her mom, Marysia! Can I just say, cutest. family. ever. I literally feel like I have gained a second family here with them. :) Little Yazminka would not get off my lap the whole time we were over there! It melted my heart. :) I love meeting with Beata and Marysia, because they bring such a spirit into our lessons. They are not members of our church, and they are not even really investigating the church. Us missionaries have been meeting with them for about the past year! But they are SUCH faithful women... It blows me away sometimes. I love them. Anyway, this past visit, we talked with Beata and Marysia about the Book of Mormon. They each have their own, and they even read from it! But we just talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon, and shared personal experiences of how the Book of Mormon has impacted our lives... It was an incredibly spiritual lesson for me, because... You guys, I LOVE the Book of Mormon. I can't describe how much I love it. Everyone in my district makes fun of me because I literally carry my Polish Book of Mormon with me EVERYWHERE. I've grown to love it so much, that putting it down is hard for me. But anyway, during that lesson, I bore my testimony of the Book of Mormon, and as I said the words "Wiem ze Ksiega Mormona jest prawdziwa." (I know the Book of Mormon is true) Beata looked at me and said, "It is. It is true." and then bowed her head, and smiled. It was amazing!!!! I couldn't help but feel the spirit as she spoke. She has committed to read the Book of Mormon each day, and pray to know if it is true. I can't wait to see her again and talk with her about it more :)

Our investigators Priscilla and Mickey also came home from their vacation this week, so we should be able to start meeting with them again!! Wahoo!! :) They are so cute. We are meeting with them on Tuesday, and then on Friday they invited us out to dinner with them! They came to church yesterday, and it was so good to see them! The Prezydent of my branch called me up to the pulpit (SURPRISE!), and asked me to introduce myself and share a testimony. So, in my very broken Polish, I introduced myself and bore my testimony. It was very intimidating walking up to the pulpit, but once I got up there, and looked out at all the smiling faces of the branch, I couldn't help but just be so happy and at peace :) Anyway, when I sat back down by Priscilla, she just smiled and hugged me, and said she loved me. That meant the absolute world to me. I wish I could describe to you all how much I LOVE the people here. They are so wonderful.

We also were able to meet with Anna again! (Our recent convert) We brought the Elder's with us again to teach her son Adam, who is now investigating the church, and it was a wonderful lesson! Adam is about 23, and has been struggling with depression for most of his life. When we first met him, he would not come out of his room. We were finally able to get him to come listen to our lessons, but he would cover his face with his hands the entire time. It was really sad. Well, this past week, when we came over he was sitting on the couch, waiting for us! And the entire time we talked with him and Anna, his hands were clutched to the Polish Book of Mormon the Elder's had given him the week before. :) And guess what... HE PRAYED!!! We asked him if he would be willing to give the closing prayer, and he just looked at us and said, "Please." Then, he offered the simplest most heartfelt prayer I have ever heard, and it brought tears to my eyes. He finished, looked up at me and said, "That's the first time..." and he just could not stop smiling! Ah! I just wanted to HUG HIM!!! It was amazing! :) And the Elder's surprised him yesterday with a suit and tie, and brought him to church with us!! That was probably my favorite part of yesterday. Just looking over at Adam during sacrament and class, and seeing the smile on his face. How present is the Lord's hand in our lives? I can't help but recognize all the ways the Lord is present in my every day here.

One of the member's of our Branch told me a beautiful quote this week that I have absolutely fallen in love with. It doesn't translate to English exactly, but I will just summarize! She basically said, "Look for Christ, and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else." How beautiful is that? Being on a mission has opened my eyes to how present the Lord really is in our lives. How much He loves us. How much He knows us. He is there. He's always been there. All I had to do, was open my eyes. I promise you all, if you look for the Lord's hand in your life, you will ALWAYS find Him.

That is about all the time I have this week, but I am incredibly grateful for all of you, and love you all so much!! Thank you for everything you do for me. :) You're in my thoughts and prayers each day!

Siostra Kamp

P.s. I am going on an exchange to the city Krakow for a few days this week!!! I can't wait to see how that goes, and tell you all about it!! :)
Have an amazing week, everyone!!

Some of our cute Branch members!! Kumo, and her mom, Sandra! :) They always invite us over for Family Home Evening on Monday night's, and make us the most delicious South African food! I absolutely love them :)

We made homemade Cinnamon Rolls!! (Kumo loves them!) :)

My mom sent me flowers! How cute is she?!? I am the luckiest missionary!! :) (But apparently our neighbor's think we are nun's.... ha ha!)

{Story that goes along with the flowers, from me to Lexi:  So funny story!  Last Monday when you told me you didn't receive the flowers I sent, I emailed the man who told me he delivered them to you in person and said that you had never received them.  He said that he would check with his delivery person to double check.  He then emailed me back saying that he had mixed up and your flowers were at your neighbors. He said he would make you a new bouquet and talk to the neighbor to see why they never gave you your flowers.  Well a day later, he emails me and says, "The neighbor said that she never gave them to you because you are a Nun, and you are not allowed to open your door to anyone."  Lol.  Soooooooo, maybe it might be a good idea to go tracting to your neighbors in your building, so they get to know you. Lol.  I thought that was pretty funny.  But he said he made you another bouquet and left it at your door.  
It was very kind of them to do that.  I hope you found that bouquet outside your door. ;)}

The Elder's took me to get my first Kebab!! :) (SO GOOD!!) Elder Einfeldt is a doll, and Elder Jourdan just despises me. (As pictured) No, I'm just kiddin! Our distrikt has the best bond! :)​

We found a trashcan called, "Home"! Wow! What a find! ha ha :)​

Bundled up on a tramwej ride home :) I love being an eskimo!!!

Polish chocolate's!! Also known as... heaven. 

The family pic in the snow I mentioned last week!! I love my distrikt!!! :)
Left to Right: Starszy Hon, Starszy Einfeldt, Me, Siostra Johnston, Starszy Jourdan, Starszy Alvarez, and Starszy Connelly.

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