Dear Family and Friends,
Dzień Dobry, wam! :) I hope your week was wonderful!! This week was full of a bunch of little things that made for a very eventful one! :)
For example, I spent this week being attacked by moths and queen ants, helped some Polish people write a poem in english about sunburns and slenderman (who even is that??), got told a woman we met with that I was not one of the sheep of Christ... I'm a goat... (haha!) and can now successfully stick my finger all the way through my shoe...
No, I'm joking, those are just little side notes, but they made for an interesting week! :)
Our little Siostra Gheen got transferred to Katowice yesterday... It was so sad!! It was so hard to say goodbye to her. But I know that the Lord has so much in store for her in Katowice. I wish I could be selfish and keep her here for the rest of my mission, but I know that they need her down there.
Well, this week was wonderful! We were able to meet with Tadeusz again this week, which is always amazing! We talked with him about keeping the sabbath day holy, and it was a wonderful lesson! He is so spiritual, and he just loves the Lord so much. Yesterday, I was able to sit by him in sacrament meeting, like I have done so many times before, but this time I got the biggest smile on my face as I watched his face light up as he listened to the talks. He just kept smiling and nodding, and it just made my day :) I even told him, "You are so happy today, Tadeusz! I love it!" and you know what he said to me? "Guess why? I didn't go shopping this morning!!" hahaha, best thing ever! :) It made me so happy to see that he had really taken to heart what we had talked about during our lesson :) He is the BEST!! I love that man.
Also, the Elder's met a wonderful woman named Ela on the street this week, and we were able to meet with her! She is the sweetest funniest grandma I have ever met, and was just so happy to meet with us! Her happy attitude, and how excited she was to meet with us just made my whole day! We had a wonderful meeting with her, and gave her a Book of Mormon, which she told us she could not wait to start reading! :) I can't wait to meet with her again. She is wonderful!
I don't have much else to tell you all this week! I'm sorry my emails have been a little less than exciting recently! But I'll just wrap this up with a little scripture I fell in love with this week during my studies :)
"You know, brethren, that a very large ship is benefited very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm, by being kept workways with the wind and the waves."
D&C 123:16
I promise you that no matter how small and unimportant you feel, you are of infinite worth to your Heavenly Father. You are the farthest thing from unimportant. You really do make such a difference in the world. The Creator of the sands of the sea and endless stars, all the things we call "miraculous and wonderful", also created you. And when He created you, He said, "This is my greatest creation." How wonderful is it, that such a powerful and mighty God that created endless worlds, loves us more than anything? I hope you never forget who you are in the eyes of God. No matter how small, or alone, or unimportant you feel, I hope you always remember the words of Elder Holland - "Heaven is cheering you on - today, tomorrow, and forever." :)
I hope you all have an amazing week!! I love you!!
Z miłością,
Siostra Kamp