Droga Rodzina i Drodzy Przyjaciele,
Dzień dobry, wam!!
I hope you all had such a wonderful thanksgiving! :)
I've been spending this whole week counting my blessings, and I know I say this every week - but I really am the luckiest girl in the world. In the spending of the past two Thanksgiving's in the service of my God, I have come to realize how evident the Lord's hand really is in our lives. I will never be able to explain how grateful I am for this opportunity to serve, and for the wonderful relationship I have developed with my Father in Heaven and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I have so much to be grateful for!!
I cannot believe that this week will be December! The streets of Łódź are completely decorated for the Christmas season, snow completely covers the ground, and the Polish Carols have officially started playing! It's the most wonderful time of the year! :)
I don't know if all of you know about this, but every year the church comes out with a special Christmas video for the Christmas season, and something we can all do to remember the Lord Jesus Christ during this special time of year :) If you have not seen the video yet, please watch it!! :) It is wonderful! You can watch it on: mormon.org :)
I have completely fallen in love with this years theme of, "Light the World". As we go around the streets of Łódź sharing this message of Christ, my heart just swells every time! I love my Saviour so much, and being able to talk to everyone about Him is the biggest blessing in the world! On the website, there is a "25 day Countdown" until Christmas of something we can do each day to remember the Saviour, and "Light the World" :) Siostra Van Woerkom and I cannot WAIT to do it, and I encourage you all to do it to! It is going to be wonderful!!
As far as everything here, it is still going well! I am still in love with being a missionary, and still more in love every day with this gospel. Our investigators are doing well as well, and so are the members :) Unfortunately the flu bug has been going around lately, so we haven't had as many meetings as we would like... But the work will go on! :) We missionaries are starting to be taught by our members how to sing some Polish carols in preparation for our branch Christmas party, and we are all loving that! I've been able to play my violin during some of the songs, and it is the most wonderful experience!!!
I'm so sorry I don't have much to tell this week, but I am so grateful for you all, and all the prayers that you send on our behalf! You have no idea the impact they make, not only on us, but the people we talk with each day :) I am so grateful for you all!
Have a wonderful week, and a merry beggining to December! :)
Kocham was bardzo!
Z miłością,
Siostra Kamp
Watching the cheesecake bake for Thanksgiving... We were so impatient! :)
Our little Thanksgiving feast - Polish style! :)
The district together for Thanksgiving dinner!
Elder Reid after he learned how bad of an idea it is to use a rag as a whip...
Our district!! :) I love them all so much!
Goldfish from Sister Van's mom! They are inexistent in Poland! But we let one of our english students, try a few and he was in love! :)
My wonderful family send us a fruit basket and flowers for Thanksgiving! I am the luckiest girl in the WORLD!! I love them!! We were so spoiled!
My favourite missionaries! :) *as I crouched next to them* "Sister Kamp, don't be silly, come sit on Grandma's lap!" What would I do without these two? :)